
EPA, USDA, DOI commemorate World Day of environment (ContributorNetwork)

EPA has joined the Ministry of the Interior (DOI), Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Council of the White House on the quality of the environment to blow the world environment day on Sunday, June 5.

World environment day was created in a program built by participating countries in the United Nations, known as the United Nations Environment Programme, according to the official website of the United Nations world environment day. This celebrated international day celebrated the first Sunday in June is designed as a means of raising awareness to some of the environmental issues the most difficult international around the world. Each year has a specific theme, with this year's theme is "" forests: Nature at your Service. ""

At United States on 5 June this year, EPA, DOI and USDA using the theme of the forest focus on iconic but fragile national parks in the country, forests, and refuges of wildlife, and parks and forests at the local level and district.

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson commented on the importance of recognizing the value of the forests of the nations and this means for the country as a whole: "forests are one of the greatest treasures of our world, our wildlife dear bring natural beauty, clean air and a location can call home." On world environment day, I am proud of our international partners to join in acknowledging the work we do together to make our communities cleaner and healthier places to live, work, play and learn. When we learn to love our fresh air, we also feel more compelled to protect - make our communities stronger and healthier. ?

The USDA also plays an important role in the conservation of the forest of the nation. Secretary of agriculture Tom Vilsack said, "" USDA, home to the United States Forest Service, has a particular interest in improving the management of our forests and meadows. We are making significant progress in the restoration of the basin and an approach of all lands to restore and maintain our precious natural resources, clean water, wildlife and recreation.

EPA, USDA and DOI include the federal initiative known as initiative of outdoor large (AGO) of America, which was launched by the Administration of Obama to solve a large number of issues of ecological conservation in the country.

According to the site Web of the United Nations Programme for the environment, cities around the world participate world way of the environment in many ways, with many speaking holding and tree-planting events.

Rachel Bogart provides a thorough analysis of local environmental issues current and new in Chicago. As a student of the suburbs of Chicago, seeking to obtain two degrees of science, applied his knowledge and his passion for the two subjects to gather more public awareness.

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